The MenuToggle component can be used to toggle a menu open or closed.
By default, it's only visible when the selected menu is active. A menu is active when it can be opened/closed. If the menu is disabled or it's being presented as a split-pane, the menu is marked as non-active and ion-menu-toggle hides itself.
In case it's desired to keep ion-menu-toggle
always visible, the autoHide
property can be set to false
Description | Automatically hides the content when the corresponding menu is not active. By default, it's true . Change it to false in order tokeep ion-menu-toggle always visible regardless the state of the menu. |
Attribute | auto-hide |
Type | boolean |
Default | true |
Description | Optional property that maps to a Menu's menuId prop.Can also be start or end for the menu side.This is used to find the correct menu to toggle. If this property is not used, ion-menu-toggle will toggle thefirst menu that is active. |
Attribute | menu |
Type | string | undefined |
Default | undefined |